Wednesday, November 11, 2015

DockerCon EU

Should you be at DockerCon Europe 2015 in Barcelona, don't miss to stop by at the IBM booth. I will be there, too (for a cool 10,000 containers demo that the Linux on Power folks prepared, but if you start talking about z Systems, I will of course not stop the discussion).
See you there...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Another Base Image for Docker on z Systems: ClefOS

Neale Ferguson from Sine Nomine Associates has uploaded another base image: ClefOS. ClefOS is technically a CentOS port to z Systems, but since it is not a part of the CentOS organization, it's called ClefOS. The image is brunswickheads/clefos71-base-s390x (available tags listed here), so

docker pull brunswickheads/clefos71-base-s390x
will get you the image. It is yum-enabled, so you can easily install additional packages.

The user page provides a pile of nice images on top of ClefOS, so there is more software to play with... worth while checking out!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Docker 1.8.3 on developerWorks

The Linux on z Systems Docker page on developerWorks now carry links to new binaries -- version 1.8.3 is available for SLES 12 and RHEL 7.1.